Hi my name is David proverb, Gary place is a dear friend of mine. I met Gary place in 2010, at ncf Berlin, where I was sentenced to 2 10-year sentences back to back. Gary place was at the time a facilitator in mental health. Gary saw in me the person I was always meant to be, he saw a good man who made a very very poor choice in life and was going nowhere if I didn't change the way I was. Gary place was instrumental in my 10 years of participation in mental health programs. He challenged me on a daily basis to think differently to act differently to change my mindset to change the way I thought of myself and how I looked at myself. I became Gary's cellmate in 2013 2014. So not only did I have him as my facilitator but he became my mentor by becoming my mentor he became like a dad to me and he challenged me every step of the way as much as I challenged him every step of the way. By me being his cellmate, his hair turned grayer and thinner and I aged him pretty well. Gary was instrumental in me being strong enough and having the confidence to ask the state for a sentence suspension. Though he did not always agree with things I said or did he agreed with me and gave me his blessings and he loved me like a son I became very much part of his life as he has become mine I love him like a dad he deserves this chance he has helped so many people not just myself to become better to be better to think better of themselves and to change their thoughts to change their lives. Gary deserves this chance more than anyone in this state more than anyone in prison Gary deserves this chance a chance to breathe free air to touch free ground to hold his family and his loved ones and to share in their lives outside of the wall. If there was ever an inmate that deserved it Gary place would be the one thank you.
Sincerely thankful for your time and consideration
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Mr. Proverb. You are one of a number of people who have written to me about Gary Place. He is an impressive guy and has served as a mentor to many at the Berlin prison. Yesterday's hearing was well attended. About a dozen folks testified in favor of HB 638, many mentioning Gary. No one testified against the bill. 123 people registered support online, 12 opposed. The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will vote its recommendation to pass or kill the bill in the next week to ten days. The full House will vote about two weeks later. If the bill passes in the House, it will go to the Senate for a similar process. Stay positive. Best wishes, Andy
Gary Place is my brother. I live in North Carolina and I am unable to attend the session on Friday. Where do I state my support for this bill? Please advise. Thank you for this opportunity . He is far more valuable to society on the outside after 42 years to council and prevent others from ending up in prison. His story and journey are incredible.
Ms. Dickinson, it is wonderful to meet you. Please go to the legislature’s website. In NH, the legislature is called the General Court. Go to this page:
https://gc.nh.gov/. You’ll see the gold statehouse dome at the top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom where it says Meeting Resources. Click the first link under the House heading. You’ll enter some personal information. The bill is HB 638. The hearing is scheduled for 10a tomorrow. You will enter that you support the bill and then you can add a comment. Email me off line if you need more: andruvolinsky@gmail.com.
Hi my name is David proverb, Gary place is a dear friend of mine. I met Gary place in 2010, at ncf Berlin, where I was sentenced to 2 10-year sentences back to back. Gary place was at the time a facilitator in mental health. Gary saw in me the person I was always meant to be, he saw a good man who made a very very poor choice in life and was going nowhere if I didn't change the way I was. Gary place was instrumental in my 10 years of participation in mental health programs. He challenged me on a daily basis to think differently to act differently to change my mindset to change the way I thought of myself and how I looked at myself. I became Gary's cellmate in 2013 2014. So not only did I have him as my facilitator but he became my mentor by becoming my mentor he became like a dad to me and he challenged me every step of the way as much as I challenged him every step of the way. By me being his cellmate, his hair turned grayer and thinner and I aged him pretty well. Gary was instrumental in me being strong enough and having the confidence to ask the state for a sentence suspension. Though he did not always agree with things I said or did he agreed with me and gave me his blessings and he loved me like a son I became very much part of his life as he has become mine I love him like a dad he deserves this chance he has helped so many people not just myself to become better to be better to think better of themselves and to change their thoughts to change their lives. Gary deserves this chance more than anyone in this state more than anyone in prison Gary deserves this chance a chance to breathe free air to touch free ground to hold his family and his loved ones and to share in their lives outside of the wall. If there was ever an inmate that deserved it Gary place would be the one thank you.
Sincerely thankful for your time and consideration
David Proverb
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Mr. Proverb. You are one of a number of people who have written to me about Gary Place. He is an impressive guy and has served as a mentor to many at the Berlin prison. Yesterday's hearing was well attended. About a dozen folks testified in favor of HB 638, many mentioning Gary. No one testified against the bill. 123 people registered support online, 12 opposed. The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will vote its recommendation to pass or kill the bill in the next week to ten days. The full House will vote about two weeks later. If the bill passes in the House, it will go to the Senate for a similar process. Stay positive. Best wishes, Andy
Gary Place is my brother. I live in North Carolina and I am unable to attend the session on Friday. Where do I state my support for this bill? Please advise. Thank you for this opportunity . He is far more valuable to society on the outside after 42 years to council and prevent others from ending up in prison. His story and journey are incredible.
Ms. Dickinson, it is wonderful to meet you. Please go to the legislature’s website. In NH, the legislature is called the General Court. Go to this page:
https://gc.nh.gov/. You’ll see the gold statehouse dome at the top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom where it says Meeting Resources. Click the first link under the House heading. You’ll enter some personal information. The bill is HB 638. The hearing is scheduled for 10a tomorrow. You will enter that you support the bill and then you can add a comment. Email me off line if you need more: andruvolinsky@gmail.com.
Thank you, Andru