You've GOT to stop believing the New York Times editorial board. Their and Sulzberger's personal pique is no basis on which to form solid political opinions.

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Thank you..

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The highly respected Saint Anselm's College poll had Biden up by ten points late last December. With all the unpleasant revelations about Donald Trump between then and now, Saint Anselm's post debate poll has Biden down by two points. That's a twelve point swing, if Biden can't win New Hampshire he can't win re-election. Everyone should know that nowadays perception often trumps reality and 74% of American voters think Joe Biden is too old to be the President....Case closed...

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We love democracy but talk about the presidency as though he's a dictator. He has many younger and experienced advisors and staff!

Is this why we call the party Demo-cats? Cat's can't be herded ....

The Republicans are in a minority and so they got organized, tweaked the court and other state offices and sing from the same playbook in order to make fiction a reality. We are not talking about a dictator but the head of a organization who has lots of good advisors etc. The more the Demo-cats complain about Biden the more they alienate their base. I have many many "issues" with old Biden but there are millions of old traditional Democrats that are getting alienated buy this move to switch horses. It would be better to gather around an imperfect candidate than have a circular firing squad that we are doing now,,,,,

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